I am returning to satellite operation after a ten year absence (my last satellite QSO before Feb 07 was literally 10 years ago on 3/25/1997 via RS-10)and have a couple questions. I have recently operated on a number of satellites (VO-52, AO-7, FO-29, etc) and the AMSAT web site has some great info on them, but I find the entries for AO-10 and SO-33 confusing regarding whether they are operational or not? For example, the AO-10 entry is listed under operational sats, but each mode entry is listed as 'non-operational' and the weekly SAT update says it is stuck in Mode B... Are either of these SAT's actually operational at all? I have not heard either of them on the air, so I imagine not, but, never hurts to ask.
Thanks in advance,
- Matt, WE1H Grand Isle, VT FN34jl
AMSAT member since 03/04/2007 ;-)