26 Mar
26 Mar
10:40 p.m.
Dave, et al:
I agree with you that it is simply awe inspiring that something like that can be seen from the ground. Shortly after New Years', my Freestar died in the driveway. The battery had drained due to my XM Receiver being left on overnight...and it was -3 when I woke up.
My neighbor helped jump start my truck. It was 6:03 am.
That morning, crystal clear sky, the ISS has an almost 80 degree pass...
My neighbor, Al, was as thrilled as I was.
And it will only get better and EASIER to see as they ADD modules to the ISS.
73 de John KB2HSH
John Marranca, Jr
PBX Technician/Shop Steward CWA Local 1122
BN Systems, Inc
Orchard Park, NY