Dear all,
Previous days it was observed already, then in periods of maximum signal strengths on LHCP, there is a minimum on RCHP (and visa versa). Triggered by that I wanted to try something else: simulations reception of the two antennas of my 'X' antenna (2x6 elements DK7ZB), and plot the signal strengths over time.
Most likely this can be considered as a totally useless experiment, but I wanted to do this for once (could have taken another satellite as well). Both antennas are only 6 cm distance from eachother, which is compensated by a bit of extra coax cable. The two cables enter the shack.
One cable has been connected to an FT817. Other cable was connected to an TS2000. Using this set-up I did a simulatious reception of Delfi C3, and plotted the received signals above eachother: Result: Maximum on one antenna is minimum on the other, and visa versa.
Have a look yourself at the graph:
Conclusion of PA3GUO: fun to do, but I have no clue what this tells us :-) Conclusion of PE1ITR: it's beautiful, but one does not know what one can do with it... it's ART ! :-)
... still: - if Delfi C3 has circular polarization, shouldn't both signals have been the same ? - how does this relate to the LCHP/RCHP opposite maximums (see text above) ?
Looking forward for your thoughts !
73, Henk, PA3GUO