24 Dec
24 Dec
2:21 a.m.
Hi All,
Just captured a few packets back from ANDE.
Please note the following CRITICAL point:
The current Keps from Space-Track at the time of this pass are 2 days and 10 hours old.
ANDE arrived overhead about 5 minutes EARLY!!!, based on those old keps.
Packets received as follows, at about 07:04 UTC, 24-Dec-2007
ZL3GA-1>APND12,ANDE-1*,WIDE2-2 <UI R>:=4322.91SN17238.49E#DIGI_NED: Kaiapoi
ZL1TYF>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI R>:Hi from Wellington at RE78jt
ANDE-1>APRS1,SGATE <UI>::BLN1ANDE :ANDE-1 only wakes up 1 of evry 15s for users. Pse conserve.
ZL3GA-1>APND12,ANDE-1*,WIDE2-2 <UI R>:=4322.91SN17238.49E#DIGI_NED: Kaiapoi
ANDE-1>BEACON <UI>:T#001,011,181,139,003,091,00000110,000
Regards to all, Jim, ZL1TYF.