I've removed my G5500 AZ/EL rotor to replace the elevation pot (part no. Q9000408 - used for both the Az and El rotors). Got the part number from Yaesu tech support, then went to place an order and found out they are obsolete - no longer carried!
So... anyone have a replacement part number / alternate source for the pots before I try working my way through the Yaesu voice mail system.
Also, the elevation bearing retainer rings (S8000208) as out of stock - 4 to 6 weeks to get them from Japan.
FYI - I've got some pictures of my last G5500 rotor repair in 2005 posted at: http://webpages.charter.net/k.swaggart/W7KKE/rotor/rotor.html
The 2005 elevation repair / bearing replacement held up pretty good - just a bit of rust on the retainer ring and a couple of the bearings.
73, Ken, W7KKE