Wouldn't bad Kep detection be a good feature to add into NOVA? Have NOVA detect zero or partial Kep-setd preventing NOVA from over-writing the user existing PC Kep file.
NOVA would retain the existing (older) file but display a pop-up window WARNING window telling the user the attmepted "NOVA Kep download has detected a posible corrupt Kep database - try your Kep update again tomorrow." Then continue to use the existing Kep file allowing users to retain their auto-update upon NOVA activation settings.
Also it would be nice to ADD to the MAP View Window header bar the date of the current Keps being viewed! Plenty of usused room in this bar area especially on the most commonly used World map view.
N6JSX /8 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NLSA-NOVA NOVA & SAT Information user Group
"Michael R. Owen" [email protected] wrote: Dear friends,
There appears to be a problem with the Full Catalog at Space-Track.org. The file "catalog_3l_2007_06_21_pm.txt" contains no data at all. Be careful when downloading, as you may wipe out your previous Keplerian elements.