At 05:58 PM 6/24/2015 -0400, Mvivona [email protected] wrote:
Paul, I am only giving my humble opinion here, but to answer your question of why I want to use HRD over SatPC32. After using both, my conclusions are that they are not even in the same class.
HRD is a one stop full integrated software suite for everything a ham could ever need. Logbook with synchronized web call lookup, digital mode module, satellite module, mapping that visually shows all your logbook contacts, rig control, remote access, rotor control, dual radio sync, built in solar cycle progression, DX cluster window, built in calendar, fully configurable user layouts throughout the entire suite.
SatPC32 is a satellite tracking program that has rig control via the sat window, and rotor control. It to me is quite clunky and has that old timey DOS look and feel.
Please, I don't want this to turn into a pi$$ing match. I am just trying to be as true to myself as I can. Me being a life long systems administrator and programmer have watched the upward progression of HRD over the years and have been in awe with everything Simon has accomplished. If what I'm hearing is that I just have to use SatPC32 for linear birds, then so be it. At the same time I am also hearing from many users that they only use SatPC32 or HRD just to track, but actually run their rigs by hand for the Doppler offset. So, maybe it's a moot point, I don't know?
I really want to thank you guys for all your input in making me a better operator.
And to think I still use InstantTrack and two fingers....
with success.