The initial keps have been loaded into the APRS pass predictor.
For APRS users, to get a pass prediction for your QTH, make sure you've beaconed your position recently then send a message to one of the following "stations" and you should receive information on the next (or current) pass:
SAT99999 or DICEY SAT99998 or DICEF SAT99997 or RAX2 SAT99996 (Mixed case sat names are not yet supported) SAT99995 or E1PU2 SAT99994 (Mixed case sat names are not yet supported)
For more information on the satellite pass auto-responder, please see http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/doc:satsrv
Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
PS. Yes, you can also send an APRS message to ISS or AO51 to receive pass predictions for those satellites as well.
On 10/27/2011 8:59 PM, James Cutler wrote:
All, the satellites below are on schedule for launch tomorrow morning. Launch will be viewable here: http://gs.engin.umich.edu/predictions/tle_elana3.txt
The initial keps are here. http://gs.engin.umich.edu/predictions/tle_elana3.txt. RAX-2, MCubed, E1P, and AubieSat are all trackable by most OSCAR stations. I am sure all the student teams would love to hear if HAMs world wide are picking up signals.
--Jamie, KF6RFX
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Trevor .[email protected] wrote:
The following info from the Cubesat reflector:
The ELaNa III Cubesats being launched are listed below:
Satellite: AubieSat-1 Downlink Freq: 437.475 MHz EIRP: .708W Modulation Scheme: Interrupted Continuous Wave (IWC) Protocol: Morse Code Baud Rate: 20wpm
Satellite: DICE Downlink Freq: 465 MHz EIRP: -4.51dBW Modulation Scheme: OQPSK Protocol: CCSDS Baud Rate: Modulation data rate 1.5 megabit, Actual Tx bit rate 3.0 megabit
Satellite: RAX-2 Downlink Freq: 437.345 MHz Modulation Scheme: GMSK Baud Rate: 9600
Satellite: M-Cubed (1) Downlink Freq: 437.485MHz EIRP:< 1W Modulation Scheme: FSK Protocol: AX.25 Baud Rate: 9600
Satellite: Explorer-1[PRIME] Flight Unit 2 Downlink Freq: 437.505 MHz EIRP: -0.7dBW Modulation Scheme: Non-Coherent FSK Protocol: KISS Custom Baud Rate: 1200
Additional spacecraft information can be found on the satellite websites listed below: M-Cubed: http://umcubed.org/ DICE: http://www.sdl.usu.edu/programs/dice Explorer-1[PRIME] http://ssel.montana.edu/e1p/ RAX-2: http://rax.engin.umich.edu/ AubieSat-1: http://space.auburn.edu/
73 Trevor M5AKA
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Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb