I don't know where you got the idea you could not make a contact on each transponder of AO-51. If you look at the rules below, which appear in the Official AMSAT Field Day Rules, it specifically states "EACH SATELLITE TRANSPONDER is considered to be a separate band." That means if both transponders are turned on for AO-51, then you can have "ONE" contact on each "single-channel FM satellite". There are two-channels, thus one contact on each for a total of two.
73...bruce AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards
from official rules
- Each phone, CW, and digital segment ON EACH SATELLITE TRANSPONDER is considered to be a separate band.
- CW and digital (RTTY, PSK-31, etc.) contacts count THREE points each.
- Only one contact is allowed via each single-channel FM satellite, AO-27 (1 phone), SO-41 (1 phone), SO-50 (1 phone), AO-51 (1 phone regardless of mode; PBBS-see Pacsats below), ISS (1 phone and 1 digital), PCSat (I, II, etc.) (1 digital), etc.
John Price wrote:
If you have all ready received this please excuse the dupe. I never saw it in my mailbox from amsat-bb so I don't know if it got forwarded. I sent it to you and the bbs. I should have received it back but never did. Thanks
I read the article in the journal concerning field 2007. I understand that on the FM satellites only one contact is allowed for credit. Last year when AO-51 was configured for the QRP operation on the second transponder we were allowed two contacts via AO-51. Since the decision has been made to use Mode-L on this second transponder why not allow two contacts again this year? I see no reason for field day stations to make the effort on Mode-L if they can get there one credit on mode V/u. I guess there is a valid reason for the Mode-L on field day. I would guess it would be to motivate stations to use it. Just my thoughts for your consideration.
73's << John