You can select Brief or 3 lines (AOS, MET, LOS) but what I would like is a line for every minute or two during the pass, maybe selectable. Also, can I get directions instead of AZM? I haven't gotten used to that yet. All this would be very helpful to me instead of having to bring my laptop, which will be hard to see outside anyway. Something I can just print out, and look at my watch to know where it is, and where to point, would be more convenient, I think.
PS, I got into SO-50 this morning and this evening, meaning I could hear myself clearly on the downlink. someone in a Delta grid square came back to me this morning, but I didn't have the bird well enough to receive very well and had to apologize for that. This evening I heard myself multiple times but everyone was trying to work W4T. I got a good audio recording of the evening pass too. If someone wants it, let me know. My next attempt at SO-50 will be the Thursday morning pass and the evening pass too perhaps if I don't get anything in the morning. I must say, working this bird is very hard with such a low power signal. It is still very fun, but I am definitely thinking about a preamp! Hah!
73, KG4AKV, Raleigh, NC, FM05