In case anyone was trying to find keps for USA-193, here is what Heavens Above has at:
1 29651U 06057A 08042.43405801 0.00185000 00000-0 27300-3 0 02 2 29651 58.5097 69.5541 0000897 125.0164 234.9836 16.04407073 09
Epoch (UTC): 10:25:03 AM, Monday, February 11, 2008 Eccentricity: 0.0000897 Inclination: 58.5097° Perigee Height: 261 km Apogee Height: 263 km Right Ascension of Ascending Node: 69.5541° Argument of Perigee: 125.0164° Revolutions per Day: 16.04407073 Mean Anomaly at Epoch: 234.9836° Orbit Number at Epoch: 0
I couldn't find anything for object 29651 at either Celestrak or Space-Track.org
Not sure how well these will work, since they are from Monday and would be expected to change considerably as the altitude decays.
73, Ken, W7KKE