Hi my friends !
I was preparing to listen the next pass, orbit nr 16160, of Hope-1 HO-68, the beacon of which is on 435.790 MHz when by chance, I came across another CW beacon about 10 kHz higher transmitting numbers at about 25 wpm. The max Doppler shift was at about 0919 UTC from my location in the North of France and the "time if flight" perhaps 15 mn, something like that. I just had time to record the weak (with my poor devices) signal, sound and spectrogram. With the Doppler shift, at 0926 UTC the frequency of this bird beacon crossed the one of Hope-1 producing an beautiful auditive interference and, on the spectrogram, a nice picture.
Any ideas ? As many birds was launched these last days, maybe one of them ?
Best 73 !