sorry missed adding the pdf address that I referred to below, here it is,
Joe WB9SBD Sig The Original Rolling Ball Clock Idle Tyme Idle-Tyme.com http://www.idle-tyme.com On 1/9/2016 8:51 AM, Joe wrote:
Cross Polarization.
We all know that vertical to vertical = Zero db loss from cross polarization. same with horizontal to horizontal
Right hand circular to RHC as well s LHC TO LHC
And then in theory, the "Infinite loss" when vert to horiz, and RHC to LHC But while in theory it says "Infinite" in practicality it's more like 30 to 40 db or so.
Now I did notice this effect when I had an antenna array that the db loss was NOT linear.
Like say at 45 degrees of polarity error, being half way in a linear world would be 15 to 20 db loss, but according to this pdf file it is only 3 db down.
And I do agree with this because I do remember when rotating the polarity little change was noticed till the last bit and the max deep part was very small.
Now does anyone know of a chart anywhere where the values for every degree of something really is? Like 45 deg is 3 db down, 50 deg =? 55 deg =? etc.