Simon HB9DRV wrote -
I can provide source code in C++.
Thanks, I would like to see the source code.
You can also grab data using Excel of all things !!!
Excel wouldn't help in this case, but it might be interesting to try it. I have Excel97, would that work?
I nothing gets posted I'll make sure my code is on my website for you -
mail me direct if you want.
I'll e-mail you direct.
Fabio PU2THN wrote -
Hi, follow below the URLs, the first url is a example using word/excel and is a good start point, in my first C++ DDE App I used this example.
"How to use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) with Word and Excel from Visual >C++"
"Implementing DDE Using C++ Classes"
Many thanks Fabio, for these links. I'll have a look.