On 3/29/14, Michael [email protected] wrote:
Been down this road before. I have nothing against operators who want to work satellites with an HT and a handheld antenna. I tried it and don't see the attraction once the novelty wears off but hey, to each their own. Said it before and I'll say it again, I think we do ourselves a huge disservice by constantly trying to convince people just how "easy" it is to work the sats. Some of us were drawn to this branch of the hobby because of the challenge, not because of how "easy" it was. Operators who don't back down from a challenge are our future..... or they should be.
But we need operators first.
As work on the student cubesat project I'll be involved with progresses, I plan on setting up my station on campus and showing what happens during a satellite contact. Perhaps someone might be sufficiently impressed that they want to get their own callsign.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL