Hello! It's time to clean out the basement... again.
I have a HP 628A SHF signal generator that needs a home. I bought it at a hamfest about a year ago really cheaply because it was going to go to the scrapyard. It looks fine cosmetically, but I have never powered it up, so it's a complete unknown. IT'S A FREEBIE! I can deliver it to the Baltimore hamfest on the 28th and 29th, or if you really want it, you'll have to pay shipping or pick it up from 17361, Shrewsbury, PA.
I also have a HP 536 Frequency meter. I picked it up from an estate sale 2 years ago. It's a bit odd and I had to look it up to see how the thing works. Cosmetically it looks fine, but again, I have no way of testing it. The delivery options from above are the same for this item.
Tyler KM3G tyler881@comcast.net