2 Mar
2 Mar
2:48 p.m.
Hi all,
Had a great LONG QSO with Marc N1SDH this morning on AO-51 on the V(SSB)/U repeater. Audio sounds great on this mode and even lets you "double" a bit and still hear each other :)
Here is my DOPPLER.SQF entry for SatPC32:
AO-51,435150,145880,FM,USB,Nor,0,0,SSB V/U
I was within 100Hz of being "on the money" with the uplink (TS-2000x).
Give it a try...you too might find it fun and a bit different from the "same ol' same ol'"
FM Repeater, V(SSB)/U Uplink: 145.880 MHz SSB Downlink: 435.150 MHz FM
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]