Thanks, I'd just found that as well.
From elsewhere on the web: "NO-44 (PCSat1) is indeed unfortunately out of control"
I hope that control and deactivation of this transmission may soon be achieved.
It does though highlight the dangers of installing on satellites transmitters that operate outside of Internationally agreed bandplans. 73 Trevor M5AKA
On Thursday, 30 July 2015, 20:05, Chris Bloy [email protected] wrote:
Hi Trevor,
That's PCSAT in default mode...
Thanks, Chris - M0DQO
Sent from my iPhone
On 30 Jul 2015, at 19:26, M5AKA [email protected] wrote:
An FM APRS signal has been received in England causing interference to the MGM frequency and weak-signal Meteor Scatter operation which is just below 144.390 MHz.
A MS DXpedition was disrupted by such activity earlier in the month and interference has been occurring at various times since. The APRS frequency in Europe and Africa is 144.800 MHz. Today (July 30) a signal on 144.390 MHz has been decoded as
15:17:27$ fm W3ADO-1 to BEACON-0 via SGATE-0 UI PID=F0 T#004,161,161,042,210,215,11111111,0011,1 Now I know nothing about Sat Gates and how they operate but I presume that is what the SGATE-0 is referring to ?
I have seen a reference to W3ADO-1 at Does anyone know if 144.390 APRS is installed on any current orbiting satellite or is anyone aware of a terrestrial network that may be relaying APRS traffic on 144.390 in the British Isles or Europe ?
73 Trevor M5AKA
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