I think that the reception of telemetry is a necessary duty. Saying that.. being new to sats.. a lot of this is all greek to me.. yet Im willing to learn and provide reception of telemetry.
I do have digital mode capability, however.. Ive never set it up right.
My set up is as follows:
Icom IC 820H 2m/70cm all mode
2m Yagi - 5 element
70cm - 11 element
Antennas are AZ/El movable as well
PC Interface - Rigblaster Plug n Play USB
I've received some GPRS stuff a while back.. but it dident do much for me looking @ a map telling me where people were.
However receiving sat data for the good of the sat seems well worth doing to me.
I have been fairly active on the analog sats and have no problems receiving them.
So with all that being said.I volunteer to RX and record some telem data. Tell me what sat .. and be prepaired for lots of questions. I sit here frequently wishing I had sompthing constructive to do.
-Steve Raas