Late night AO-92 pass last week and we had a local round table. Three of us in a 50 mile triangle. We could have visited on 75 meters but then I would have had to scrape my boots afterwards. More than once last year when I couldn't sleep, I would check out a night time pass and ended upĀ visiting with NA2AA until the bird flew away...all by ourselves.
What irks me is the "Hello Fred, Haven't talked to you since breakfast!" stuff when there are multiple rovers standing out in the cold on grid lines, maybe a hundred or so miles away from home, freezing their butt off. But I gave up on a perfect world when my first kid was born!
John AE5B (The Old Coot)
On 2/20/2019 11:40 AM, Bob Keating wrote:
Couldn't agree more with Patrick. I have found the FM birds are most crowded on the weekends especially when someone has announced a rove and everybody is chasing those rare grids. Weekday passes are not so crowded and evenings are even better. In fact, on last night's pass of AO-92 at 8:47 PM PST, Kristy KB6TLY, was the only person I heard. 73, Bob N6REK