I wonder how successful digi'ing via PCSAT using a TH-D7 has been?
I believe that its down purely to usage here in Europe as she appears to get hit multiple times by the same stations?
Yes, we noticed that 2/3rds of all PCSAT-1 users are in Europe in a SMALL footprint. While in the USA, there are only half as many users but spread out over a much larger area. SO the congestion must be maybe 4 times worse over there in Europe..
Maybe this stops the 5watt stations from actually being relayed??
Yes, any collision will cause the weaker signal to not be heard. And then the stations just keep trying, further making the problem worse.
We need to find a way to cut back the throughput in Europe, because it is always over Europe that PCSAT-1 dies towards the end of its daylight period. We have asked all PCSAT-1 users to adhere to the User Service Agreement that was posted:
Which is posted on the PCSAT web page: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/pcsat.html