NO - The new US$650 Kenwood THD-74a will NOT perform in true, full-duplex mode like the '72a. And will NOT be firmware-upgraded to do so. There is a rumor that Kenwood might be considering the 'D72a as a "replacement" for the TH-F6a - again, just a rumor, but from a good source.
Want a SINGLE rig to perform U/V and V/U modes for the FM birds? The Kenwood TH-D72a at US$390.
I am trying to work a couple more passes with the HRO-distributed Powerwerx UV-9D(Plus) on SO-50 - to see how well it does on both U/V and V/U FM voice modes.
Clint Bradford K6LCS http:/www.work-sat.com
PS Don't forget the Palm Springs HamFest on Saturday, February 4, 2017, being held at the beautiful Palm Springs Air Museum! Satellite presentation at 11am in the Major General Ken Miles Aviation Science Center. SO-50 pass right before that ... plenty of ham history, aeronautical history, and plenty for the family to do for just $8 admission!