8 Jun
8 Jun
10:31 a.m.
For Nova, you would go to Utilities and then Listing. Go to the Setup button to update the times of interest and satellite of interest and then click on whatever tab you want to use and click on ReCalc. You can then Send data to the printer or capture data to the clipboard using the buttons at the bottom of the window. Good luck. SatPC32 also works well as others have pointed out. 73,Charlie Sufana AJ9N In a message dated 2021-06-07 22:57:13 Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes: Tired of missing passes so looking for a way to paper print list of AOS times for sats in 24 hr period. I was sure Nova did that but cant find the link spot or maybe satpc32 does it.
Any software out there for simple quick printouts
Bill Booth VE3NXK
Sundridge ON, Canada
79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N
Visit my weather WebCam at http://www.almaguin.com/wxcurrent/weather.html
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