The ARRL is running a Field Day forum at the Hamvention. I will not be able to attend, but suspect there is someone on this list that will.
Would you be so kind as to ask the ARRL representatives two questions "on the record" about the ARRL Field Day rules for satellites?
I have been told from several sources the ARRL rules allow one contact per any FM satellite.
==== First question of two ==== Does this mean one per each FM voice satellite, or only one FM voice contact period?
==== Second question ==== I have also been told the ARRL rules consider 'satellite' as one band. In other words if I work W1AW on FO-29 SSB, then working W1AW on JO-97 SSB would be a dupe. Is that correct? (I understand in the AMSAT contest it is NOT a dupe.)
Thanks and 73, Joe kk0sd