Hi Mark,
I was able to demodulate some of the "weirdnoise.mp3" file with my uo11dem program. The best part of that recording comes out (with some errors) as
r??{6^6vF7&6V'~GFGVF'fF7vCG#+Uj5000146000247000348000C49000D 50000551000452000753000654000155000056000357000258000D59000A 60800E61%FC1620004633341644402651E0C66200267000168000E69000F ?_/W+U*UOSAT-2 0910270065412 000000010001020002030003040004050005060006070007080008090009 10001110000120003130002140005150004160007170006180009190008 20000221003220000230001240006250 07260ZY[mv;V&&&V'~766&7&766
but most of the rest of the recording was more bad characters than good characters (based on parity bit mismatches).
If anyone has a longer file (preferably as a .WAV file), please email it to me.
Douglas KA2UPW/5
Mark L. Hammond wrote:
By golly---that's UO-11...somebody decode it!!
Mark N8MH
At 09:03 PM 8/31/2010 +0100, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
Recorded on 145.825MHz at around 20:57 BST, in IO75ww - I have no idea what it is.