I sent this to the SAREX reflector, since it is human spaceflight related. But I will post here since the question was raised.
73, Frank, KA3HDO
On September 7, 2006 at 16:00 GMT, SuitSat-1 re-entered about 1400 km south-southwest of Western Australia. For more details, including the winners of the Chicken Little Contest, please go to:
I want to thank all who made SuitSat-1 the phenomenal event that it was. Your hard work and dedication paid off.
In just 3 weeks the SuitSat team developed and delivered a safe satellite system that has gained the confidence of the international space agencies. The web and PR team were able to garner unprecedented press coverage of our ham/educational outreach activity, including over 9 million hits on www.suitsat.org in February. Students around the world had the opportunity to participate in a 7 month "school spacewalk" with the artwork, pictures, signatures and voices on-board. And the "super-sleuth" ham radio operator extraordinaires were able to pull a significant amount of data from the satellite despite of its low signal strength.
And my congratulations to the students and adults who won the Chicken Little contest!!
Next for SuitSat-1--the commemorative certificates/diplomas. And at the AMSAT-NA symposium/ARISS meeting we will discuss our thoughts and plans for a potential SuitSat-2.
Stay tuned!
73, Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO AMSAT V.P. for Human Spaceflight Programs ARISS International Chairman
Message: 4 Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2006 12:19:56 +0900 From: Masahiro Arai [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] SuitSat-1 return To: [email protected] Message-ID: [email protected] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Alititude of SuitSat-1 is decreasing drastically. Its alititude at 1330z 8th Sep was about 150km. SuitSat-1 must have returned the Earth.
Many thanks, SuitSat-1!!
Masa JN1GKZ Tokyo Japan