Dick, I'm looking for something a little more than just HEO v. LEO. I'm looking for modes of operation. While I'm excited about our next HEO opportunities I'm not going to write a story discussing the benefits of either type of orbit as this means little to a new operator (the target of my story) and does nothing but stir up flame wars within the community (which doesn't do anyone any good).
So far, people have discussed the telemetry and the physics of satellite theory, the educational aspects, and portable operations. I'd love to hear from someone on the use of PACSAT birds, APRS, and maybe some keyboard-to-keyboard digital modes (PSK31 anyone?).
73, Eric W4OTN
This is where the "beauty" of HEO satellites are seriously missed. Unlike LEO satellite exchanges, HEO satellites promote true, long discussions with hams in other countries creates genuine cultural exchanges - much more than "just talking". I can cite chapter and verse of such past QSOs.
'73, Dick Jansson, KD1K [email protected] [email protected]
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Eric Christensen Sent: Thursday, 02 October, 2008 01:04 To: AMSAT FieldOps; [email protected] Subject: [fieldops] What do you do with satellites?
I had a question a couple of days ago from someone that thought all you could do over the satellites was talk. I explained to him that there were other things you could do but I'm sure I left out some things.
That got me thinking, though. I wonder how many people just aren't familiar enough with satellites to know there are other things you can do with them than just pick up a microphone and talk.
I've already started writing an article on what you can do with satellites but I'd love to hear from all the users out there as to how you operate over the birds.
Please respond directly to me at [email protected].
73, Eric Christensen, W4OTN AMSAT Area Coordinator - Southeastern Virginia USA AMSAT Member 35360 http://www.ericsatcom.net GPG Key Fingerprint: 4395 EF8D DDFF E681 26CB 7165 2F95 7CC9 D749 08ED _______________________________________________ Fieldops mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/fieldops