AO-7 is definitely having problems. On the last pass at 00:00 4/15/2010, I worked a few stations. The bird was very busy, lots of signals.
My downlink was very strong, above normal, even after lowering my power down almost all the way on my 910H. I heard heavy distortion on my downlink.
This was a very high pass for me, about 60 degrees.
Leo, W7JPI also confirmed the distortion problem (not just on my signal). He mentioned that had been happening all day.
I heard a couple of stations using CW, which also sounded pretty bad. Signals were up and down. Sometimes very strong, sometimes they seemed to disappear.
Once the bird was out of eclipse, the signals were almost normal, but not for the entire pass. I also worked W7LRD for a few seconds at 5 degrees.
73 de W4AS
On Apr 14, 2010, at 6:43 PM, ps8rf Piraja wrote:
I am convinced that the AO-7 is not in Mode C and would make an appeal to all users of the "Grand Old Girl" using only QRP until your ready reestablishment.
Thank you all for answers and guidance.
Piraja, PS8RF