From an earlier posting:
"My favorite imperial unit is the slug. The launch force of the shuttle is measured in slugs," Quine said. (The slug is defined as the mass that receives an acceleration of one foot per second per second when a force of one pound is applied to it.)
Yikes! While the *mass* of the shuttle might be measured in slugs, the force of its rockets will be measured in pounds.
It's so much easier in metric, where a kilogram is very much a unit of mass, while force is measured in newtons...and let's not worry about ergs and dynes and things: SI is mks.
Laura Halliday VE7LDH "Que les nuages soient notre Grid: CN89mg pied a terre..." ICBM: 49 16.05 N 122 56.92 W - Hospital/Shafte
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