Hi Bob,
see comments below
73 Mike DK3WN
Robert Bruninga [email protected] hat am 22. Januar 2013 um 18:14 geschrieben:
Help me delete the dead satellites. Help me add new Bleepsats.
We use this list in our Comms Labs for students to try to tune in:
- marks the operational ones from http://oscar.dcarr.org/index.php
? marks the unknown and need input from you.
- 07530 AO7 145.950
? 20442 LO19 Carrier? -> very weak carrier
- 22825 AO27 dead
- 24278 FO29 435.795
- 25544 ISS 145.825
- 26931 NO44 PCsat 145.825 semi
- 27607 SO50 436.795
? 27845 Quakesat 436.675 -> dead
- 27848 CO57 XIIV 436.848
- 27844 CO55 cute1 436.836
? 27939 RS22 435.352 -> only short active over Europe for data transmission, no beacon
- 28650 VO-52 145.86 Bcon
- 28895 CO58 XI-V 437.465
? 29655 Genesat-1 437.075 -> deorbited
- 32791 CO66SEEDS 437.485
? 32953 RS-30 435.215 -> only sporadic active ? 33499 KKS-1 437.385 -> CW beacon active (but in loop) ? 33493 PRISM 437.250 -> active, also mailbox system active
- 32785 CO65cute17 437.275
- 32789 CO-64 D-C3 145.87
? 32791 SO-66 437.485 -> SEEDS is CO-66, active ? 33498 Stars 437.305 -> only MOTHER active ? 35870 Sumbandila 435.345 -> not active ? 35932 SwissCube 437.505 -> CW beacon on, data transmission on request over Europe ? 35933 Beesat 436.000 -> only data transmission over Europe ? 35934 UWE-2 437.385 -> dead
- 35935 ITUpSAT1 437.325 19.2 Kbps
- 36121 HO-68 435.790
? 37224 Oreos 437.305 -> active ? 37225 FASTsat -> not active -> see Fastrack 1/2 ? 37226 Falconsat5 437.270 dead? -> ??? ? 37839 JUGNU 437.275 -> not visible in DL ? 37841 SRMSAT 437.425 -> not visible in DL ? 37853 RAX2 437.345 -> active ? 37854 Aubiesat70 437.475 -> very weak CW beacon, active ? 37855 M-CUBED 437.485 -> extremely weak but active ? 90021 Rax 437.505 -> dead ? 90025 Fastrack 1 437.345 -> not active ? 90025 Fastrack 2 145.825 -> not active
Bob, WB4APR _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb