On 11/24/19 06:54, M5AKA via AMSAT-BB wrote:
3.4 GHz FCC seeks to clear band of radio amateurs and other non-Federal services https://amsat-uk.org/2019/11/24/fcc-seeks-to-clear-radio-amateurs-out-of-3-4...
"With respect to amateur operations, is there sufficient existing amateur spectrum in other bands that can support the operations currently conducted in the 3.3-3.5 GHz band?"
We're slowly being corralled into less and less spectrum, without consideration given to the fact that each band has slightly different characteristics and challenges.
It is clear that the FCC, and our legislators in Congress, no longer consider the greater public good when parceling out spectrum allocations. Instead, the almighty dollar drives their decisions.
"Since July 1994, the FCC has conducted 87 spectrum auctions, which raised over $60 billion for the U.S. Treasury (not all of which has been collected)." (Wikipedia)
Broadcast TV, initially licensed for the public good to disseminate news, is now only entertainment. The "news" reported is a joke, and its only purpose is to lure viewers into watching the 60% commercials to line the pockets of the station/networks. Guess where they put that money? Right back into lobbying our legislature into giving them more of what they want.
Mobile networks? Another wasteland of entertainment with little actual content. Gotta have 5G to watch the latest Netflix or whatever while driving...
--- Zach N0ZGO