He sure did get digipeated several times!
Here's a tweet I posted with some pics:
-Scott, K4KDR
On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:57 PM, Tony [email protected] wrote:
I was monitoring APRS and it looks like Scott, K4KDR, saw you on APRS via Falconsat. Wonder if you were able to exchange messages?
Tony -K2MO
On 11/3/2017 10:00 PM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
No luck so far here. Nothing coming through when I set the radio to KISS, though I am sending packets and if I flip the radio to APRS mode, the packets come in fine, so I'm not sure what's going on.
Going to give the digipeater a shot next pass and re-evaluate the rest of the setup! Hope I can pick up your message in the next few days.
Paul, N8HM
On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 9:50 PM, Tony [email protected] wrote:
On 11/3/2017 5:03 PM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
If I get it working, yes! The command line tools are cumbersome and not as nice as using WiSP, though. 73, Paul, N8HM
I had company this evening so missed the first 2 Falconsat passes. I'll post your BBS message on the next pass which begins at 02:17z.
Tony -K2MO