Dear all,
I was considering to submit the following mode to the AO51 command team. (I did this already a while ago but my emails seems to bounce)
Objective: provide a means for stations with small ERP to test their 23cm uplink channel into AO51.
Uplink 23cm SSB (!) Downlink 70cm FM (preferably 435.300)
With 23cm FM uplink I seem not to have enough ERP to get over the sat. That is, I never made it through the squelch level of the AO51 receiver (using Kenwood TS2000X/10W, and a small cubicle quad antenna only).
In SSB mode with the squelch open I could try even CW to see how weak my uplink is. Maybe just below squelch level, maybe far down in the noise. And: with SSB we can even have multiple stations testing their links at the same time !
Any thoughts of anyone else before I submit this request ?
Henk, PA3GUO (... and I have a 33 elements beam now)