Steve N2JDQ wrote:
This weekend I plan on constructing the framework for the base of my GME 4.5' quad pod... Being ground mounted is going to be my saving grace as if I have a problem it will literally be right outside my window.
Wayne W9AE replies:
My satellite antennas are also ground mounted on a 5-foot tripod, with anchor bolts set in concrete. The crossboom is 8 feet high. That makes it easy to do maintenance to the antennas and rotors. It's also easy to move the antennas for field day.
During daylight I can sit at my operating position and see the antennas through a window directly in front of me. It's great to get visual feedback that the rotors are working correctly and that the antennas haven't slipped on the crossboom.
The main disadvantage of ground mounted antennas is that more of the sky has obstructed S-band reception from surrounding buildings, trees, and hills. With a good preamp I have no problem receiving solid U-band downlinks through trees. I strongly recommend a mast-mounted preamp for the UHF antenna.
I look forward to hearing you on the air.
Wayne Estes W9AE Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik