John: I suppose I should have been clearer, (tough crowd) I was including the Launch Cost. Which project do you think could realistically get of the ground first Eagle or PE3? This isn't about complaining, I'm simply suggesting a possible path to get an HEO operational ASAP.
I remember quite a surge of fund raising prior to getting AO40 launched, with concrete targets
My fundamental argument remains the same. Pool global resources, determine what the delta is and inform the community. Focus on a single project, get one HEO bird operational , starting with the satellite that is closest to completion. Those who wish to continue to have philosophical disagreements on the Eagle design concept and process are welcome to do so..
Regards, - Joe K7ZT
----- Original Message ----- From: "John B. Stephensen" [email protected] To: "Joe Westbrook" [email protected]; "Michael Tondee" [email protected]; "Jim Danehy" [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 4:48 AM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT NA
The key is getting space on a launch vehicle, not completing some hardware that is a tiny fraction of the cost. It's interesting that people are complaining about an internal AMSAT-NA personnel issue, but aren't concerned that AMSAT-DL announced that they can't pay for the P3E launch.
I've managed several engineering groups in the computer industry and have had people call me up while I was eating Thankgiving dinner and resign. On Monday everything was resolved.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Westbrook" [email protected] To: "John B. Stephensen" [email protected]; "Michael Tondee" [email protected]; "Jim Danehy" [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 03:19 UTC Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT NA
I fully expect to receive incoming slings and arrows for my input, and I do understand for those who get their egos fed by leading/participating in the design process for AMSAT-NA won't like this idea, but hey who is AMSAT here to serve anyway?
Generally, the following conditions seem to exist at this time (please feel free to correct me if any of my observations are inaccurate):
- We don't seem to be within a stones throw of getting Eagle off the
ground 2. Engineering resources in disarray 3. No Lab 4. Most folks who participate really want to see a HEO up as soon as humanly possible 5. The cost to put an HEO into orbit seems to be prohibitive for any single organization to pull off without deep pocket sponsorship 6. AMSAT-DL Has an HEO that is nearing completion
Given the extent that these circumstances are close to reality, why on earth wouldn't we consider transferring the sum total of Eagle resources (with membership approval of course) to AMSAT-DL, for the purpose of completing PE3?
Next step would be to determine the exact the cost and a launch opportunity. Let the Ham Satellite Community know what those cost are and then raise the additional funds toward that single goal.
Following the final launch and commissioning of PE3, then move on to getting Eagle back on track.
I definitely could get behind that sort of concrete effort. What we have now seems to be a bit of a distant dream.
- Joe, K7ZT
----- Original Message ----- From: "John B. Stephensen" [email protected] To: "Michael Tondee" [email protected]; "Jim Danehy" [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 8:29 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT NA
What most HEO users never fully realized (including me) was that they were the recipients of charity. Now that launches are commercial operations, the AMSATs have to pay the same as everyone else and HEOs are vastly more expensive than LEOs. The energy requirements are much larger and you can't just use a surplus SS-18 as a launch vehicle.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Tondee" [email protected] To: "Jim Danehy" [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 22:34 UTC Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT NA
It's been going on since I got here a couple of years ago Jim. For sure, everyone is anxious to see an HEO launched but some people feel the need to get online and constantly whine about why we don't have one. I think there are a few folks on here that need to get a dictionary and look up the word "volunteer". People better start to realize that there are no guarantees. I would say that at the current rate of apparent progress that the AMSAT NA mission statement looks all wet. Prospects don't seem to be much better on P3E either. What good will it do to have a fully built satellite without the funds to launch it? I just try to enjoy what we've got up there and hope for the best in the future. In the end that's all we can really do isn't it? All the whining in the world and the backhanded comments about AO-51 and the other FM sats aren't going to get the HEO birds up there any faster. 73, Michael W4HIJ ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Danehy" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:27 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] AMSAT NA
I have been off the satellites for 25 years. I just spent a bunch of money for antennas and rotors to get back on. After listening to all of the belly aching I wonder if I should join AMSAT (again). Maybe I should try EME . . . . the moon will be there long after I am gone. I have listened on AO 7 and VO 52 to test my 2 mtr yagis. I should be QRV soon. Belly aching just looks bad even if it is warranted. I am not sure if it accomplishes much other than venting for the vanquished. Human nature ugh. Lighten up folks.
Jim W9VNE Cincinnati, Ohio em79
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Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb