I should have said that the satellite overlay ships already loaded into the software. You merely have to select the overlay during set-up. In addition to the amateur birds, you can overlay military satellites, GPS, Irridium, etc.
Since the overlays are live from the Internet, keps are updated automatically. I compared the orbits to the data from SatPC32 and everything tracks correctly.
At the moment, the overlay only includes the track of the satellite and some other data points like altitude but new live data overlays are being produced frequently. I won’t be surprised to find one soon that includes the footprint of each satellite.
Also Geochron is going to offer an SDK for those who want to develop their own overlays. Virtually any real-time data can be used to create new layers to go over the maps.
I will try to take some photos tomorrow and share them.
Les Rayburn, N1LF Maylene, AL EM63nf AMSAT #38965, ARRL Life Member, CVHS Life Member, SVHF Member