Hi All,
I need an help please,
I am trying to use the RigExpert Standard to TX on the Falconsat.
I am noticing that it is a bit hard to get in the Satellite and it seems the cause is that the
Rixexpert TX Tones are a bit Low.
I am using it With the Kenwood TS-2000X to TX to the Satellite while to RX I am using
The Funcube Dongle Pro Plus with UZ7HO's High-Speed SoundModem and the PacSat
Ground Station.
Is there any possibility to increase the TX Tones? Or some settings to do in the Radio?
On the Radio I have the #50F DATA TRANSFER RATE set to 9600bps.
Any help will be really appreciated
73's de Enzo IK8OZV EasyLog 5 BetaTester EasyLog PDA BetaTester WinBollet BetaTester D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania Skype: ik8ozv8520
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