6 Dec
6 Dec
5:53 p.m.
For those unable to locate the original K5OE web pages (thanks AOL)... I found this site today, apparently a sanctioned mirror. http://www.observations.biz/K5OE/
I have built and currently use both the 2m and the 70cm version of the Texas Eggbeater II. These are great omni antennae, suitable for use from the attic. They exhibit horizontal polarization on the horizon and become circular as elevation increases. Makes them useful for the VHF contests as well. Also easy to take and setup at Field Day. Even without a preamp, these are good enough for most LEO satellites.
Thanks Jerry, I really like these ... /;^)
<- Licensed in 1976, WB5RMG = Alan Sieg * AMSAT#20554 ->
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