Clint K6LCS, These are suggestions from many long-time and actual usersof the FM SATs. Following them would help alleviate the chaosand mayhem often taking place during most evening and weekendpasses. Do you plan to include all/any of them in your presentations? Do youreject any/all of them? Which ones do you plan to include and/orreject for consideration? Do you think any of them are worthwhile? Do you not accept/consider suggestions? Do you not appreciateregular and long-time users offering suggestions? Do you feel thatfellow AMSAT Members are welcome to offer suggestions? Are yourfellow AMSAT Members out of line when offering suggestions? It wouldappear that you are not open to suggestions since you are dismissivewhen they are offered. One would think that an AMSAT Ambassadorwould be open and receptive and welcoming to suggestions. Yet, youobviously convey the opposite impression. TNX/73, Bob K8BL
On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 11:44:38 PM EDT, Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Again, Bob, I need to alter nothing in my presentations - they have always included proper op techniques. All 125+ of 'em.
Clint K6LCS
On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 09:22:21 PM EDT, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
Clint K6LCS, Since the regular users of the FM SATs have not seen any improvement inthe chaos and mayhem in the daily Operating Procedures, you may wantto consider additional emphasis or a different approach. After many years ofSatellite use from home and roving I offer these suggestions for improvement. 1 - Remind new & seasoned users that the FM SATS are virtually the same as the terrestrial FM Repeaters that many are used to using. And, that only one signal can be properly processed at a time. It is only ONE Channel and must be shared. 2 - Transmissions need to be short since there is only a minimal time that the SATs are visible during a pass and many folks desire to use them. 3 - Always allow a QSO in progress to be completed before transmitting. 4 - Due to fading and noise and distortion, signals often are not copied clearly. It's best to use phonetics since several letters sound similar and multiple repeats can take up valuable time during passes. GL/73, Bob K8BL (AMSAT #6593, since 1979)
On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 05:31:48 PM EDT, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
...Please emphasize proper Amateur Operating Procedures ...
I have during each and every one of my125+ shows so far. Clint K6LCS
On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 05:26:30 PM EDT, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
Clint K6LCS, Please emphasize proper Amateur Operating Procedures so that the chaosand mayhem that is experienced daily on the FM Satellites can, hopefully,be abated. This needs to be stressed for new users. Please have them visualizean FM Repeater in the sky and how only one user at a time can operatethrough its ONE Channel. One must allow an existing QSO to be completedbefore someone tries to begin another one. Try to keep transmissions short.Use phonetics since many letters sound like others. TNX/73, Bob K8BL On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 04:03:14 PM EDT, Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Q. Do you publish a recording of your satellite presentation?
A. There are a few videos of my presentation out there ... on convention or club sites. But there's a couple of reasons I do not publish one myself …
1. Each of my shows is very-much-personalized for its audience. There are 15-19 "sldes" that are audience-specific that get changed. It would just be weird to have you listen to club-specific information for someone else's club!
2. Like books on many topics, once they are published, they are outdated. And so are these satellite presentations. Timely information I give tonight regarding ISS operations and "current status" of some satellites will change and might NOT be current next week - as life goes on.
SO ... As you cruise the 'Net for satellite information, make sure the sites you bookmark respect you enough to DATE THEIR INFORMATION! A Scout leader called me up a couple years ago after a Field Day, and was irritated that he was not able to work AO-51 for his large gathering. He had cruised the 'Net and found "Easy Sats to Work!" info for AO-51 - and set up his equipment for AO-51. Well, AO-51 passed away / ceased operating 11/29/2011. But that Web site he used didn't tell its visitors that: It was a OLD article, current when it was originally published …
Clint Bradford K6LCS AMSAT Ambassador, ARRL registered instructor www.work-sat.com (909) 999-SATS (7287)
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