I'm moving in 2018 and can't take these items with me. Note that all prices include shipping to CONUS or Canada.
1. Elecraft XV432 70cm transverter with optional crystal oven. Built by me. Aligned & tested by Don Wilhelm W3FPR. 28 MHz I.F. 5W in, 20W out. Can be reconfigured for other input levels. Comes with manuals and power cable. U.S. $350 Read about it here: http://www.elecraft.com/XV/XV.htm
2. Elecraft XV144 2m all mode transverter. New, unbuilt kit. Comes with optional crystal oven. 28 MHz I.F. U.S.$450 Read about it here: http://www.elecraft.com/XV/XV.htm
3. Elecraft W2 Wattmeter with 200W sensor for 144 - 450 MHz. U.S. $200 Read about it here: http://www.elecraft.com/W2/W2.htm
4. RF Concepts RFC-4-110 70cm amplifier 15W in - 100W out. Comes with manual and power cable. U.S. $225
5. 80W All Mode 2m Amplifier. Designed by W6PQL. Built for me by Ed, KL7UW. New, comes with docs by KL7UW and power cables. Set up to take 1W input to give full output. U.S. $275 Read about it here: http://www.w6pql.com/2_meter_80w_all_mode_amplifier.htm
6. HobbyPCB RS-UV3 radio module. This is a 144/220/450 MHz FM transceiver board. The RS-UV3 is a low cost transceiver solution for Packet Radio, repeaters, Echolink stations, base station and mobile applications. The RS-UV3 supports multiple interfaces including microphone/speaker, line level audio (soundcard), TTL serial control and Arduino Shield connections. The RS-UV3 has an built-in battery charger and provides conditioned power for the Arduino controller. Comes with the optional RS-UV3 enclosure ($30 value), which I will include free. Bought it a few months ago. Never did anything with it. U.S. $85 Read about it here: https://hobbypcb.com/products/uhf-vhf-radio/rs-uv3
Thanks for your interest!