----- Original Message ----- From: "John B. Stephensen" [email protected] To: "amsat bb" [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 7:16 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Galileo interference on L band
The other impetus for 256 kbps is that NGOs need it for emergency data communications. Another use could be to provide an SSTV-like service, but with high-resolution images.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't AO-51 made available for disaster communications after the Christmas tsunami, yet NOT ONE piece of disaster traffic was ever passed on it? Was ANY disaster traffic ever passed on any of our satellites after Katrina? Yet, how many hundreds or thousands of messages were passed on HF and 2 meters?
Why? Because HF and 2 meter nets work 24/7, and no emergency agency, whether governmental or NGO, wants to wait for a satellite to come over the horizon to pass their traffic.
Until such time as we have either a fleet of HEOs (or a geostationary satellite) providing 24/7 access (at least 15 years off), I have to seriously question how useful any NGO would find a 256kbps data link that's only available a few times a day, and for relatively short periods of time......... especially when the Red Cross disaster response vehicle that was at our hamfest has a ZERO-SETUP, instant-on, 24/7 high-speed satellite internet connection (HughesNet, I think), with both CAT5e and WiFi connection sharing. I believe SATERN either has, or is looking at, the same type of setup.
Has the design team received any input from the NGOs on this emergency data "need"? If so, please share it.
(and while I have the floor, it's "lose" and "losing", not "loose" or "loosing".... and don't even get me started on "there", "their", and "they're"! We're supposed to be COMMUNICATORS, for God's sake!)