At 11:04 AM 1/18/2010, Unknown wrote:
my bank doesn't really offer them any more. I don't have a credit card either, because I don't need one. Every bank account I have ever had (again, at least since I was 16) has had a debit card facility. Moreover the design of the amsat.org payment gateway doesn't exactly fill me with confidence - especially since it never accepts the same account details for me twice!
These days, it's usually no trouble getting a debit Mastercard or Visa, which can be used like a credit card (online or in stores), but draws on money in your bank account. I use a debit Mastercard online quite frequently, when asked for a "credit card". THe card has a 16 digit number similar to a credit card number, and a similar verification code on the back.
If you want to or need to make any online payments, enquire with your bank about getting one of these cards linked to your bank account.
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com