4 Nov
4 Nov
7:20 p.m.
At 02:13 AM 11/5/2010, Chris Bloy wrote:
Hi Group,
Ok, so I think I can answer the oldest working Amateur satellite is... (AO7!?)
Non-working Amateur Satellite still in-orbit? (AO-13?)
Hmm, unless one of the first 6 birds was in a fairly high orbit, this would be AO-7. I'd have to check the history of the first 6 OSCARS. And I'm not sure when the Russians started putting up the RS birds either. :)
Non-working commercial sat? Vanguard-1? Working commercial satellite still in orbit?
Not there's some good questions. :)
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com