The FM / Codec2 voice repeater on Taurus-1 went "live" today (17-Sept-2019) with 2 passes available to stations on the U.S. East Coast.
W2RTV posted a video of the entire pass as seen from his station at
The spacecraft is clearly spinning at a high rate; my receive audio wasn't nearly as good as Rocco's, but he's got a vastly superior antenna setup, so that never hurts.
The repeater's uplink is normal FM on 145.820 MHz w/ a 67 Hz CTCSS tone. High power is definitely not needed but adjusting for uplink doppler can help extend your range.
The downlink is a Codec2 digital stream at 9600 BPSK which you receive as USB on 435.840 MHz. That gets you in the ballpark, anyway. Once downlink packets are observed, center your 15k-wide USB window on the packets and doppler track from there.
The digital voice stream (as well as telemetry) decodes with a flowgraph in GNU Radio. The original telemetry decoder for Taurus-1 was produced by EA4GPZ and is located at
Several of us have added to Dani's flowgraph to provide audio output now that the repeater is active. That hybrid flowgraph can be found at:
Note that both the original decoder from Dani as well as the hybrid voice/telemetry flowgraph expect UDP audio input such as from GQRX.
Here is a Tweet I posted after my first contact on the repeater today with a screen shot which pretty clearly shows how the spacecraft is spinning:
This repeater seems to work extremely well and should be way better if the spin rate reduces over time. Hope to hear more people on!
-Scott, K4KDR