Hello Bob,
I too am interested in VHF/UHF amplifier suggestions, but for a FT-817ND (with TCXO-9).
I am not sure about Mirage now that it is an MFJ brand. A lot of online reviews pre-date that transition. I am somewhat interested in the RM Italy products sold at DX Engineering.
On a related subject, I note the ARRL lab test of the FT-818 does not recommend amplifier use, which is disappointing as I suppose that reflects on the quality of it’s output signal.
I also hope there will be an IC-9700 in my future!
73 Ken VA7KBM
On Feb 6, 2019, at 7:32 AM, Bob Hammond <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
I forgot to mention that I have 65 feet of 9913F between my antennas/rotator and the radio hence the need for the amplifier. I do understand that if I was using an Arrow antenna (as I have in the past) with my Icom Z1A, I'd have no problem working the satellites.
Still, no replies?
On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 10:35 AM Bob Hammond <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Any recommendation for amplifiers for my Icom Z1A?
I want to use it with my antennas while I no-so-patiently wait for the IC-9700.
Bob W7OTJ DN17
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