I worked through the issues and presented my talk in full high def and full screen. I have hundreds of people in the audience. There were issues. However we find out this morning that every single talk, with the email you signed up with is on its way within hours and will stream with vimeo in high def.
Bob N4HY
On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 10:20 AM Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
I cannot believe the whining and complaining I am reading from fellow hams this morning.
We had some technical glitches at the QSO Today! Extravaganza yesterday. The AirMeet software was problematic. Savvy Windows users thought to "right click" and enter those pages in new Windows. But many just complained that it didn't work.
We're HAMS, for gawd's sake. Plan Bs and Plan Cs should be in our blood ...
Complaints of "the sessions were pre-recorded" are ignorant: ALL sessions were pre-recorded by design and submitted by February 1, 2021. Then we went to LIVE Q&A and Tables to further discuss life.
Here's a complaint: "I had to scroll too much to find my Table." Make the tables' icons smaller so more fit on a page, and that same whiner would then write, "The font's too small ... "
Organizer Eric is beating himself up on all this. He shouldn't be. It's not his fault. Conversed with him this morning at 6am - after another all-nighter …
• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I have heard NO ONE pointing a finger at YOU. We are hams, for gawd’s sake - Plan Bs and Plan Cs should be in our bloodlines ...
"Whatever platform(s) you choose for next year, I would like to assist create a one-page “cheat sheet” of keyboard commands and “tips and tricks” to negotiate. A single page we can each print out and refer to ...
"Attendees are enjoying. Speakers are getting great Q&A sessions. The “tables” are absolutely wonderful.
"I couldn’t find the open bar .... but will search again today. '
Clint Bradford
PS Take me up on that offer with the cheat sheet. 951-533-4984
PPS Let’s have a Zoom session for speakers before next year’s extravaganza
- to show us the techniques and intimacies. • - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
This morning, took me 30 seconds to log in and find my nest presentation area.
SO ... If you cannot provide constructive comments and assistance to make the event better, then you really are not behaving like true amateur radio operators. Writing from ignorance and bitching and moaning because of a couple problems OUT of the control of the event organizers is NOT how we operate.
OH - here's one for you: A ham complained the event was "too commercial." Yes, the event was sponsored by HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS. What an idiotic thing to complain about. Now, then, if Marlboro was a major sponsor, that would be a legitimate topic of conversation.
Clint Bradford K6LCS 951-533-4984
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