The rules say nothing about more than one contact voiding the others, or about making a contact with someone who has already made more than one. All you get is the 100 points; more contacts on an FM bird get you nothing but the wrath of everyone who hears you. Jim KQ6EA
--- George Henry ka3hsw@earthlink.net wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: "Reicher, James" JReicher@hrblock.com Sent: Jun 25, 2007 9:37 AM To: amsat-bb@amsat.org Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: FD Contacts!
I managed my one contact per FM bird also and then
concentrated on AO-7
and VO-52. I didn't manage as many as George, but
we did pretty well.
I found the FM birds to be much more orderly than
in years past. I
thought that the one station who was handing out
quick contacts to the
others worked very well.
I'm not sure that I see the upside to someone "handing out quick contacts" that will ultimately be tossed because he broke the rules.... invalid Q's are invalid for BOTH parties, are they not? If that was someone's one and only satellite contact, there goes their 100-point bonus!
George, KA3HSW
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