Hi William,
Check out the LVB tracker by Howard G6LVB. You can "upgrade" the standard version to be a stand-alone tracker unit. It uses a PIC 18F2620 microcontroller.
73, Andre PH7AT
William Leijenaar wrote:
For some longer time I have been looking for a way to get a stand-alone real-time satellite tracking system, without the use of a dual-core, GHz speed power consuming computer :o) To my suprise I didn't found much, only one design called trakbox which can be found E.g at the following tapr website: http://www.tapr.org/kits_trakbox.html
Unfortunatly it is not available anymore, and the mean reason I guess is the outdated components. I found out that the design originates from JAMSAT. Maybe someone has data (schematic, PCB layout, source code) of this design ?
I wonder with todays highly integrated microcontrollers if there is some modern kind of real-time-tracker available ? I am looking for a system that works just seconds after switching on the power supply and not something that first has to boat 15min and needs a mouse to work.
73, PE1RAH William Leijenaar www.leijenaarelectronics.nl
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