Never thought I would be writing anything like this ... but here we go.
Imagine a well-built, capable, 128-channel dual-band HT. Analog, FM-only.
Decent scan speed. Ships with the following accessories ...
-Two 2200mAH Li-Ion batteries
-Drop-in cradle charger (AC AND car cords included)
-Traditional 7" antenna
-16" improved antenna
-A beefy speaker-mic, with great strain-reliefs on cord, rotating clip
-A "two-wire" earpiece/inline-mic (light-duty quality)
-Programming cable for Windows
-CHIRP already has supported it - for Mac and Windows
$52 for it all. Here is a NON-affiliate link to it on Amazon ...
TIDRadio Model TD-H6. Facebook support group. Web site support.
Messenger support.
The HT is also Bluetooth programmable - with a $22 accessory purchase.
The HT is NOT "replacing" anything I already carry with me. (NOT a duplex/satellite
HT.) But it sure is a "cut above" the more-difficult-to-get-to-know $25-45 HT ONLY
units out there.
This package would be much more enjoyable for someone entering the hobby
than MANY others - with limited or non-existent support, and programming
I got involved with TIDRadio as I have been testing their Bluetooth BL-1 dongle.
(Tentative opinion: It works, it is sometimes clumsy, it is better when you use it
in conjunction with their Web site, but TIDRadio is listening to hams, and are
updating and improving.)
As always, I have absolutely no financial interest in this. I mention it because we
all have seen much frustration with many other models of HTs when it comes to
programming. When Gordon West and I started pre-programming HTs for new
hams while I was working at HRO-Anaheim in 2004, the goal was to get folks
on the air ASAP. Learn the radio a little later - but get on the air with your new
license NOW! This package from TIDRadio is much more "attractive" than MANY
other offerings I have seen and experienced.
So there it is, folks. Clint is writing something positive regarding a well-under $100
Chinese radio ... Does the live record album "Hell Freezes Over" from the Eagles
come to mind to anyone?
Clint Bradford K6LCS