GMSK is now scheduled on every weekend over the world wide. You can digipeat via CO-65 9k6 GMSK.
Up 1267.600MHz / Down 437.475MHz, 9k6 GMSK Unproto APRS via JQ1YTC
According to the information of Ground Station,
Open schedule of digipeater mission in March are as follows:
2/28(Sat)12:29 - 3/02(Mon) 0:38 3/06(Fri)12:57 - 3/09(Mon) 1:13 3/14(Sat) 1:23 - 3/16(Mon) 0:12 3/20(Fri)12:31 - 3/23(Mon) 0:46 3/27(Fri)11:30 - 3/30(Mon) 1:22 Coordinate Universal Time, UTC
Digipeater will be closed OFF during the day which does not listed above. Thank you for your understanding.
It is assumed to discontinue opening digipeter to give priority to other missions in March. In this case, we are going to inform it again. We would appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.
JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita